Tuesday, October 30, 2007

ANOTHER Ball, a kilt, a set of bagpipes, Crossed Sabres...and a difficult choice...

I will start off with the kilt part.

Today was our "Halloween" Parade. It is the day when we get to dress up and look like idiots while putting on a skit. We did a Cav Troop Vs. Native Americans...plus a Scotsman, (Me.) My job was to dance around, (and that I did.) while the Native Americans and Troopers killed each other. I was glad I got to wear the kilt...it brought me back to the high beautiful mountains of Scotland. Well this event didn't last too long.

Anyway...the kilt stuff brings me to my next topic...the bagpipes...I am in the Military College of Vermont Pipes and Drums club...(yes, that is a bit to say.) and we learn how to play the Bagpipes or the drums that usually accompany the Bagpipes. Tis fun stuff...anyway. A couple of the higher ups in the club, went before the president, (of the college, who just happens to be U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral, Michael Schneider, Ret.) and presented the club and budget, uniform, etc. Well, not only did President Schneider like the club. He said that "I want this" meaning that we get a HUGE financial gift from him, (in the 50-60 thousands), and we are getting the uniforms finalized...and if this humble club of 30 people gets off the ground...we may become our own company in the Corps of Cadets. While this is GREAT news...there is a drawback...I would have to leave Cavalry Troop. I would have to give up my Crossed Sabres...this will be a hard choice...I mean what will I use more often? My knowledge of Bagpipes and my skill with them, or my riding skills?

Anyway, that was the combination of the rest of my topics...now for some more pictures...

Me and my room mate...

One of my Rook Buddies...looks very nice, yes?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Regimental Ball

Well, last night was the Regimental Ball...and it was...interesting. I went by myself...and well, it was an experience.

Everything started with everyone that had dates lined up and introduced their dates to the Platoon Sergeant, the old fashioned way. After that there was time of socializing. We had pictures taken with the Battalion Command Sergeant Major, Platoon Sergeant and one of the Staff Sergeants. After that we went down to Plumley Armory and went through the receiving lines.

Once all of the Recruits and Corporals went through their line, THe Arc of swords started up. The Arc of Swords are for the Seniors. What happens is the Seniors go under an arc of Swords, (Thus the name). It was really quite formal and very cool. If I make it through here, that will happen to me.

Anyway, after that, the ball officially started. I wandered off in search of the beverages/coffee...unfortunately, there was only decaf at the time...but I had it. I just wanted something warm.Then the music started up. The first dance was a Waltz. I found someone...or rather they found me, and we danced to that why her date watched...that was fun. After that, I became the date/escorted snatcher...because I could dance and the dates could not...fun stuff...then as the night progressed, I found one of my Ballroom dancing partners. We danced to several Swing songs, as well as another Waltz...by this time, I was hungry and searched for some more food. Then I talked to some people the rest of the night...

From the perspective of being single, I noticed a lot. I noticed how amazing some of the couples looked during the dances...especially the slower ones. I missed out on that unfortunately maybe next year I can have someone up...but until then, I don't know.

Well, that was all that really encompassed the Ball...if you want more details...you will have to ask me personally...face to face...I am evil, I know.

Tata for now...enjoy the snazzy pictures.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cavalry Poem

Halfway down the trail to hell
In a shady meadow green,
Are the souls of all dead troopers camped
Near a good old-time canteen
And this eternal resting place
Is known as Fiddler’s Green.

Marching past, straight through to hell,
The infantry are seen,
Accompanied by the Engineers,
Artillery and Marine,
For none but the shades of Cavalrymen
Dismount at Fiddlers' Green.

Though some go curving down the trail
To seek a warmer scene,
No trooper ever gets to Hell
Ere he's emptied his canteen,
And so rides back to drink again
With friends at Fiddlers' Green.

And so when man and horse go down
Beneath a saber keen,
Or in a roaring charge or fierce melee
You stop a bullet clean,
And the hostiles come to get your scalp,
Just empty your canteen,
And put your pistol to your head
And go to Fiddlers' Green.

This is a poem found in the Cavalry handbook, used by modern day Cav members to memorialize the fallen.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Figure this one out

Vocal 1:
Mahalo nui ia Ke Ali`i wahine
`O Lili`ulani `O ka Wo hi ku
Ka pipio mai o ke anuenue Na waiho‘o-
lu‘u a halikeole‘e
E nana na maka i ke ao malama mai
Hawai`i akea i Kaua`i

Vocal 2:
ke Kuini o Hawai`i
ku i ka moku i ke Kalaunu
Na hana a ke aloha Ma`alo
ana i ka ua lana malie
I ka lani malama Ho`ike
mai ana la I ka nani

Vocal 1:
`O Kalakaua he inoa `O Ka pua mae`ole i ka la
Ka pua maila i ka mauna
I ke kuahiwi o Mauna Keä Ke ‘amaila i Kilauea
Malamalama i Wahine kapu
A ka luna o Uweka huna
I ka pali kapu o Ka`auea
Ea mai ke ali`i kia manu
Ua wehi ka hulu o kamamo
Ka pua nani a`o Hawai`i `O- Kalakaua he inoa

`O Kalakaua he inoa `O Ka pua mae`ole i ka la
Ka pua maila i ka mauna I ke kuahiwi o Mauna Kea
Ke`a mai la i Kilauea
Malamalama i Wahinekapu
A ka luna o Uwekahuna
I ka pali kapu o Ka`auea
Mahalo nui ia Ke Ali`i wahine
(ke Kuini o Hawai`i)
`O Lili`ulani Wo ka `O hi ku
(ku i ka moku i ke Kalaunu)
Ea mai ke ali`i kia manu Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo
Ka pua nani a`o Hawai`i
`O Kalakaua he inoa

End Chant
He Inoa No Kalani Kalakaua Kulele

Monday, October 22, 2007

It has begun,,,

Pandora's Box has been opened...
Hell has been unleashed...
God has loosed his judgment...
Cav candidacy has begun...and already I am lagging behind...now it is only a matter of time.

Yeah...I am actually saying something again...SHOCK AND AWE!! O_O...>_>

So, if you couldn't tell my my obvious sarcasm, this will not be a happy post...so if you were expecting one...go away, there is some happy-go-lucky blog around the corner.

Continuing, I bought a ticket to the Regimental Ball...notice how I said ticket...not ticket-S. So...ha, I still don't have a date to the Regi Ball, and I won't be getting one, so it stinks to be you who was hoping I would ask that girl...or anyone else for that matter. I will be buying a TICKET to the next ball as well, the Navy/ Marine Corps ball. No date for me then either...I guess I am not a dateable guy, why? Because I come from that semi-weird state to the east. Do I blame them? No. I dis-like New Hampshire, and even more so Vermont.

LAst night was the last ballroom dancing lesson for the Semester...that made me very sad, we reviewed the Tango, Rhomba, Cha-Cha, Foxtrot, Swing, and a few others. I enjoyed myself immensly. Now I have nothing to do on Sunday nights...

Next item on the agenda...people. People annoy me. Does that mean I annoy myself? YES, IT DOES! Why? Because, no matter how much I KNOW that certain person let us call this person A. Person A doesn't write, call, email, message, or any other form of comunication. A small part of me is hoping they suffer the same thing when person A goes to college. But a larger part of me hopes that this NEVER happens to them...it is one of the worst pains in the world.

So, when I try to say hello, a few times, A gets all upset because I repeat the question...numerous times...Well, let us think about this...

Person A is online...I send a message, email, etc.

Person A goes offline...I wait for a few days...

Person A had a HUGE activity log...of pointless stuff...but no reply. I email, message etc...again.

Person A STILL doesn't reply...I leave A alone...because I am annoyed, and would do very unkind things were I to continue...

and it goes on and on and on....like the energizer bunny.

and finally...I want to disagree/ disprove someone's quote... the quote is...

"There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart." " This is False...I have tried it...and tested it. But I prove it wrong...each and everyday. SO, until someone proves me wrong,

I stick with what I say...I dare you to prove me wrong.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

This is SOOOO US... LOL

So yeah...this is us when we first got here...and where we are getting to. I am dead serious this is just like us rooks. HAHA

And the one below is my motto when on an FTX...what do we do when low? THink of a girl worth fighting for. ;-)

SO yeah...welcome to my life. :-D

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A song I like.

Look at me
You may think you see who I really am
But you'll never know me
Ev'ry day
It's as if I play a part
Now I see
If I wear a mask
I can fool the world
But I cannot fool my heart

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?

I am now
In a world where I have to hide my heart
And what I believe in
But somehow
I will show the world
What's inside my heart
And be loved for who I am

Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Must I pretend that I'm
Someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?

There's a heart that must be free to fly
That burns with a need to know the reason why
Why must we all conceal
What we think
How we feel
Must there be a secret me
I'm forced to hide?

I won't pretend that I'm
Someone else
For all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?

From the movie "Mulan"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Real Chariots of Fire

Well, I am back.

Anyway, back to what I was going to say. I love this song, "Chariots of Fire" as well as the movie. They are both wonderful, but especially the song. It is my all time absolute favorite song. It is one of those songs that bring out any and all emotion, for me at least. If I am sad or upset, it will shoe more greatly, and there is the possibility of tears. If I am happy, I genuinely smile...Happy Days and jubilation.

Anyway, Ballroom Dancing lessons are almost over, Sunday is the last day...THIS makes me sad. I've made a friend or two...that happens when you just happen to end up as dancing partners a lot. But tis was fine. She was enjoyable to be with. Nice, young, pretty, nice smile, traveled to Spain...(Lucky...) and such other cool stuff.

The Regimental Ball is coming up...but I have no date...so I will most likely not be attending...Which is really unfortunate. Reg Ball is like the biggest deal as a Freshman...*Sigh*

Well, that is all from me for now...I need to pick up my Coatee.

Bye yall.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Chariots of fire

STupid internet died on me...so I will post again later...tonight after MCV Pipes & Drums meeting.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ohhhh...I hope not.

I don't particularly care for the kissy kisy stuff...but it does some I don't know what to call it...but who knows.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

An Update

Nothing more....nothing less.