Monday, July 13, 2009

A vent by me via blog...

Well, before I start writing, I will post today's theme song.

Bad Day (Video) - Daniel Powter

So, back to the venting.

For those of you who don't know what I am doing for work right now, I am a lowly cart attendant at the Target in Hooksett. I enjoy my job. I get to enjoy the warm weather, the rain and the lush wind that blows through there all the time. However there are three things that really annoy me are.

1. People leaving their carts OUTSIDE the carts areas provided in the parking lot.
2. People leaving nasty garbage in the carts.
3. People in general.

So yeah, today was a bad day...still is. Work was busy, people haven't replied to my messages, certain people have been...annoying. I all of a sudden have an excellent idea for a new post!...but I will save that for tomorrow. There is a possum in my window! Random, I know...wait...there are TWO possums in my window! Time to save the poor buggers. Bye for now


Blogger The Saxophone Player's Wife said...

Possums in your window sound pretty darn cool.

I don't have audio on this computer at the moment, but I love that song.

The three things you mentioned annoy me, too. Although, not really the third most of the time. Generally, I like people a lot.

11:35 PM  

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