Monday, October 30, 2006

Hello all...

Just a short update...

I am still alive, (for those that were worried.)
Though my head feels like it is going to explode! Yeah, it hurts that much. I am not feeling well, so I may not be at AGAPE Tuesday, and that is all.
Hey ya'll

I have put up that song you all have benn wanting to hear. ("What Was I Supposed To Be?")

It is at me old Xanga site.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

I REdiscovered this song...Ecen though this song is being sung from a man to his wife, In many areas of this song, it can be applied to friends... So, read the lyrics, and ignore the married parts, and I think you will agree.

I know you've heard me say these words before
But every time I say I love you the words mean something more
I spoke them as a promise right from the start
I said death would be the only thing that could tear us apart
And now that you are standing on the edge of the unknown
I love you means I'll be with you wherever you must go

I will take a heart whose nature is to beat for me alone
And fill it up with you - make all your joy and pain my own
No matter how deep a valley you go through
I will go there with you
And I will give myself to love the way Love gave Himself for me
And climb with you to mountaintops or swim a raging sea
To the place where one heart is made from two
I will go there with you

I see it in your tears - you wonder where we are
The wind is growing colder and the sky is growing dark
Though it's something neither of us understands
We can walk through this together if we hold each other's hand
I said for better or for worse I'd be with you
So no matter where you're going I will go there too

I will take a heart whose nature is to beat for me alone
And fill it up with you - make all your joy and pain my own
No matter how deep a valley you go through
I will go there with you

I known sometimes I let you down
But I won't let you go - we'll always be together

I plan on putting a REAL post up soon.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Hello all!

This is an announcement post. Since I have seen a surprising interest in the little sections of writing that I have written over the past few days, I am making a blog for such things, Poems, random thoughts short stories, etc.

I will also be on the look for possible canidates to join me in this.

There will also be a book review every month. I (Or someone else, IF THERE ARE ANY VOLUNTEERS!) *HINT HINT*

The site address is

I will be putting those "cool" writings there, from now on, and I will be using this blog for more blog-like reasons.


Admin aka Bradfeeerd

We see the children laughing at the playground ignorant to everything around them, one day though, they will bear the weight of the world on their shoulders...As the years go past, the age of innocence dwindles, the child is expected to be an adult, where is their childhood? It is forever gone, but they don't know it, for they never had it. Spring gives way to Summer, which gives way to Fall, which in turn gives way to Winter. The cycle of the seasons...they always continue...the child sees it, and in his later years it is the same.

Are we?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I heard Him call my name
He said I've come to save you
But I was so ashamed
I turned to walk away
But He reached out His hand
He said I have something to show you
And what I saw changed my life that day

I saw His scars
No He didn't try to hide them
He said come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
I knew it must be true
I saw His scars

I said Lord my scars are deep
I don't want You to see them
So many of them were caused
By things I chose to do
He said look again
At the ones that I am wearing
Don't you know I chose these scars, too

I saw His scars
No He didn't try to hide them
He said come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
I knew it must be true
I saw His scars

One day in Heaven
When we are on our knees
We'll look up to Jesus
And I believe we'll see

We'll see His scars
No He will not try to hide them
He'll say come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
We'll know that it's true
We'll see His scars

We'll see His scars
No He will not try to hide them
He'll say come and look inside them
They're a window to my heart
Don't forget I love you
Just the way you are
And we'll know that it's true
Because He died for me and you
We'll know that it's true
We'll see His scars

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Dawn to dusk, dusk to dawn, continues the never-ending cycle. The seed grows, tree is fallen and nourishes the growing seed. The rain comes, and thunder rumbles. The young are tossed to and fro in the storm, yet the sturdy oak is not moved. His strength comes from the experience of his lfe...of the pain and time passed. He knows what is coming. He is prepared.

Are We?...

Friday, October 20, 2006

The passage of time flies, the young grow old, and the old pass away. What could have been, is not.
Tears fall, laughter is hollow. We miss times past, but we can't go back, It will never be the same.
Memories fade, pictures turn yellow with age, and are soon forgotten.

The dreams that were once pleasent, are no more. They are replaced by the horrors of the mind's eye. The day is coming, and soon it will be too late. Old friendships die, new friendships are born.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Those that were here, have gone and won't come back. Troubles come, and peace is all but forgoten.
We can't go back.

Smiles lie, frowns tell what is. Man is corrupt. We can't escape. That which looms before us, draws closer.

It comes...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What was, is no more. The old is gone, the new will come. Night is nigh...
Hopes are gone, dreams are shattered. We can't ever go back. Innocence is lost.
Where can you go? To whom will you turn? Who sees you in the night? To whom are you the answer? We can't go back to the way it was.

Night approaches, darkness covers. Sleep comes to the weary, sleep gives way to dreams. To whom are you the dream? Dreams are shattered, hopes are broken...


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Jesus walked upon the earth,
On the shores of Galilee,
He'd say to His diciples,
"Let the little children come to me",
I wonder if up in heaven,
Do you suppose we'll see,
little children asking...
"What was I supposed to be?"

What was I supposed to be?
What were my eyes supposed to see?
And why did I taste of death,
Before I even drew a breath?
Laid my head at my mother's breath to sleep...
Oh Jesus...

What was I supposed to be?
What were my eyes supposed to see?
And why did I taste of death,
Before I even drew a breath?
Laid my head at my mother's breath to sleep...
Oh Jesus...

Was I to be a prophet,
Used in the ministry?
A doctor who would find the cure
for some terrible disease?
Even if I'd been born imperfect
Why couldn't my parents see,
That I'd been made perfect
when you came back for me.
Oh Jesus...

What was I supposed to be...

I hoped you enjoyed that...It brings tears to my eyes each time I hear it...I will see if I can get a sample of the song on here...


Monday, October 09, 2006

Umm yeah...I foud this...Thanks to Miss H.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I found this cool yet wierd video...if you love LotR you will LOVE this.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I Hate It When This Happens...

Well, Today I asked my parents when I could go see a ARNG Recruiter. They said maybe next week. Then they asked..."Why do you want to meet with one?" I answer,"To see what my enlistment options are." They don't like this and give me the look of "Oh wait...You were SERIOUS?"

So now, the whole Recruiter thing is on hold till next year most likely...when I turn 18 (The age I can enlist without parental consent.). So, this didn't really make my then I tried to juggle my limes...I couldn't really do it, because I was busy thinking or too upset to do it. This is something I REALLY want to do. But I am denied that.

This really dropped my hopes, and selfesteem, Now people wonder why I am usually a loner and don't share things with other people...

If people only knew...

The Outcast of First AGAPE, The Loner of the Halls...


Monday, October 02, 2006

A Wee Update On Me...

As many of you know, I said that I planned on joining the USMC...well, this has changed. I am now currently trying to set up an appointment with an Army National Guard recuiter. I met some Guardsmen at the Deerfield Fair. Now, I am deciding between three, maybe four MOSs (Military Ocupational Specialty. They are 11B (Infantry), 11C (Indirect Fire Infantry), 31B (Military Police), or Cannon Crewman...I don't remember it MOS code. That is all in the area of MAJOR updates...

The Outcast...