Deerfield Fair...(Or as I call it, Derfield)...
Well, I am back for an update...As most of you know, The Derfield Fair was this weekend. I went, and had a good time, wandering around by myself. I went on Friday and Saturday. On Friday, I saw some friends from AGAPE...that was a nice thing...Besides that, I saw some cool candles being made
Those were very nice...and it is all wax...they use a glaze to make it glossy looking....I also made a friend...his name is Joe...That is him below...that rhymes!

I also liked the Army National Guard tents... There, they had a competition...more like a challenge. Anyone who could do (For Guys: 25 pushups; 30 situps. For ladies: 17 pushups; 30 situps) in one minute, got a prize. I tried...and failed. I did 30 pushups, and 28 situps. Then I tried "mock" shooting an M16A2 Rifle...I got 5/5 with no help. Then I tried the Rock climb...I passed that no problem. I talked with some of the people...and I decided that I was interested and I will be setting up an appointment with a recruiter some time in the near future...maybe, if I find time.
But the best part of the two days...was seeing the Ancient Order of the Hibernians Pipe & DrumsBand. A Scotish Bagpipes and Drum band..They played songs like "Amazing Grace", "America", "When the Saints Come Marching In", "Yankee Doodle", and "Scotland the Brave" That song has a lot of brings hundreds of years swirling around you...That song was one of the songs played when the ancient Scots went to battle. If you closed your eyes and let yourself go, and listened to the music, you could hear the sounds of battle, the shouts of dying men, the whinning of dying horses along with the clash of brought tears to my eyes...being Scotish and all...well, I have pictures of these people...

That is all for right now, I am tired from my travels...But first, We have a winner fro my little quiz...and teh results are in...In first with 9 points was Miss A.G.
The runner up with 8 points was Miss H.G.
As some has noticed it's been a awhile since I've "Updated." Well, I just there.
The Outcast...
Well, I am back for an update...As most of you know, The Derfield Fair was this weekend. I went, and had a good time, wandering around by myself. I went on Friday and Saturday. On Friday, I saw some friends from AGAPE...that was a nice thing...Besides that, I saw some cool candles being made

I also liked the Army National Guard tents... There, they had a competition...more like a challenge. Anyone who could do (For Guys: 25 pushups; 30 situps. For ladies: 17 pushups; 30 situps) in one minute, got a prize. I tried...and failed. I did 30 pushups, and 28 situps. Then I tried "mock" shooting an M16A2 Rifle...I got 5/5 with no help. Then I tried the Rock climb...I passed that no problem. I talked with some of the people...and I decided that I was interested and I will be setting up an appointment with a recruiter some time in the near future...maybe, if I find time.
But the best part of the two days...was seeing the Ancient Order of the Hibernians Pipe & DrumsBand. A Scotish Bagpipes and Drum band..They played songs like "Amazing Grace", "America", "When the Saints Come Marching In", "Yankee Doodle", and "Scotland the Brave" That song has a lot of brings hundreds of years swirling around you...That song was one of the songs played when the ancient Scots went to battle. If you closed your eyes and let yourself go, and listened to the music, you could hear the sounds of battle, the shouts of dying men, the whinning of dying horses along with the clash of brought tears to my eyes...being Scotish and all...well, I have pictures of these people...

That is all for right now, I am tired from my travels...But first, We have a winner fro my little quiz...and teh results are in...In first with 9 points was Miss A.G.
The runner up with 8 points was Miss H.G.
As some has noticed it's been a awhile since I've "Updated." Well, I just there.
The Outcast...