From the ashes and mists of time arises...a post
Well, it has been a very looooong time since I have I am doing so again, and doing it with a vengeance. It is now the end of October, ALREADY! Time sure does travel by fast. Young people grow up, the elderly pass off into the sweet embracing arms of death, new lives are made, old friendships are severed, new ones begin. There are good things that come of it, such as finding the most amazing and beautiful girl and her becoming a major part of my life.

and then there are things that we didn't have to happen, for instance, Out of my graduating class at church, Out of 6, only 2 are's a sad sight to see...A song that reminds me of this is "Empty Chairs At Empty Tables", a song in the musical "Les Miserables". Well, lunch calls, unfortunately I am not able to finish now...but later perhaps.

and then there are things that we didn't have to happen, for instance, Out of my graduating class at church, Out of 6, only 2 are's a sad sight to see...A song that reminds me of this is "Empty Chairs At Empty Tables", a song in the musical "Les Miserables". Well, lunch calls, unfortunately I am not able to finish now...but later perhaps.