Tuesday, May 08, 2007

"The Tribe Has Spoken..." and other thoughts and musings,

Well...a lot has been on my mind since the last update. One such the ENTIRE first season of Survivor! I love that show. It is amazing in all ways.
There is its picture...gaze upon it's splendor. I just finished it, Special features and all, today. And man, does it leave you wanting more...so, as soon as I can get the money, I will be getting the next season...Survivor...AUSTRALIA! So, yeah, I am quite happy with the show, I like it mucho.
And I am watching the current season, (Survivor: Fiji) Almost religiously. My favorite guy is STILL in, he has made it down to the final 6. At least he will be on the Jury.

Here is a link to the Survivor website, where you can see ALL of the episodes of the current season. Survivor

And here is one to the Wikipedia article. Article

Now, enough of that.

Umm...My next post will be an interesting one...with Graduation so close and all...

Well, I will give no more hints.


Blogger Super Kiaya said...

Hints... hints...

I never pegged you as a survivor fan. I probably should have though.

Coolness. :]

8:59 AM  
Blogger Aielunknown said...


I love it. I would audition for it if I was older...but you have to be 21. :-(..Oh well 3 years left.

And I always surprise people ;-)

You can learn all you can know about me in a month yet after many years, I can still surprise you.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Super Kiaya said...

I know - it's one of the many reasons I love being your friend.


8:30 PM  
Blogger Super Kiaya said...

Good luck tonight Brad!

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never seen Survivor. But it seems more worthwhile than some other shows on TV =pp

You should totally be on it.

11:13 PM  

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