Thursday, November 16, 2006

Words From an EXTREMELY Tired Person...

Well, today was school, and I was tired allll makes me sad. Being tired is horrible. For the past two days, I have probably got a total of...5 hours sleep maybe? Gah!

Things have become confusing...too confusing for words, and I must sort through every thing, ONE PART AT A TIME. That is what is keeping me up. Trying to figure things out...but it doesn't add up. A+B=F? No, that's not right. That very equation has been keeping me up. I know there should be a C in there...SOMEWHERE. But I can't find it.

It has been a very confusing month. Brad does NOT like confusing, but it has been such. Everything is being challenged. AGAPE has been like a "Twilight Zone" for me... everything all out of focus. Maybe I am not making sense? who knows...

Certain recent events, have also been very...obscure? Unexplained? Who knows? But is the midst of it all, a light has shined through...partial relief has been granted. These events started off with a question...but out of that question, more replaced it...then came the A+B=?? equation...This is something I MUST work out soon, or I will never se sweet rest again.

But today, an interview happened with (KIJJHVJF:-Co) and, it went well...things have yet to be seen.

Back to the stuff I was rambling on about before...I am getting closer, (I think,) to the A+B=C it is only a matter of time, and close reading, and observation...and some dialougue.

How this will turn out...I don't know.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad, sleep. Go to sleep. You shouldn't even be on the road, dude. No sleep is BAD for Brad. :)

12:42 AM  
Blogger Super Kiaya said...

To be totally immature, I can really only say this. Math sucks. I'm sorry everything's been so confusing for you but you really do need sleep. Try not to worry. If you have to worry, maybe worry that not getting enough sleep will make it worse. (That so doesn't help... gah. :( )

As an interesting aside, my Aesop's moral reminds me of you. Humorously in fact... you'll see. :)

Thanksgivings soon.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if you can't FALL asleep, you should at least try...

God bless

10:42 AM  

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