Update and whatever else...
So, There is nothing to say...except that Interviews and orientations went smoothly...For those who know what that means, DON'T TELL ANYONE! IF I find out that there has been people telling certain OTHER people...Heads will roll...and I will be very upset at you...so be nice, and don't say anything.
In other news....Wait, there's other news? Ha...I must be going mad. Oh Yeah...
When commenting, please Identify yourself in some way...I don't like Anonymous people coming to my blog...If you DO use the Anonymous setting...please ID yourself.
Now there is no more news...for now. Nothing exciting at least...so yeah...
So, There is nothing to say...except that Interviews and orientations went smoothly...For those who know what that means, DON'T TELL ANYONE! IF I find out that there has been people telling certain OTHER people...Heads will roll...and I will be very upset at you...so be nice, and don't say anything.
In other news....Wait, there's other news? Ha...I must be going mad. Oh Yeah...
When commenting, please Identify yourself in some way...I don't like Anonymous people coming to my blog...If you DO use the Anonymous setting...please ID yourself.
Now there is no more news...for now. Nothing exciting at least...so yeah...
Wow. I've never knew you to be so violent, Brad. You will make heads roll? That's awful. -hand slowly creeps to neck-
I hope I'm not one of these people. I would fear for my life, and there's enough to fear right now.
hey wait...you use anonymous all the time. O_O
I was the 2nd Annonymous in your previous post. Sorry. I just wanted to add a quick "Amen" to what Master Z had written. Glad things went well for you today. I do not know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, but hopefully you will share more one day. :)
*GULP!* *clutches neck*
I like my head where it is!!
Well, congrats on that stuff then! :)
And you? Mad? Heh. You have a little ways to go before then.
I had a dream with you in it last night... it was so real... And like...
Gah. I'm sorry, I just woke up. The dream was TOTALLY normal, like, I seriously woke up and thought it all had happened... but it hadn't... And you did something very un-Brad like... and at the same time, very Brad.
I'm not making any sense, but the dream was frighteningly real. It was very convincing...
Sorry, I'll go away now. All this worrying about you and a bunch of other things has gone to my head, because I dreamed about a LOT last night...
I'm done now.
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