Well, all, as some of you know, I am having a Riverdance night. What is Riverdance? Check this out!
That my friends is Riverdance! I love riverdance, more than Duct Tape. O_O scary, I know. But Muergo loves it too. For those who haven't met Muergo, my henchman...
>:--) That is him
Anyway, riverdance. Riverdance was created by this man,

Michael Flatley. My time is up for now...but keep an eye out for more Riverdance updates...
~Brad and >:--)~
P.S. You can take the Irish out of the dance, but you CAN'T take the dance out of the Irish...
Well, all, as some of you know, I am having a Riverdance night. What is Riverdance? Check this out!
That my friends is Riverdance! I love riverdance, more than Duct Tape. O_O scary, I know. But Muergo loves it too. For those who haven't met Muergo, my henchman...
>:--) That is him
Anyway, riverdance. Riverdance was created by this man,

Michael Flatley. My time is up for now...but keep an eye out for more Riverdance updates...
~Brad and >:--)~
P.S. You can take the Irish out of the dance, but you CAN'T take the dance out of the Irish...
Riverdance is incredible. Have you ever seen it live?
I have indeed :-D LIVE in Boston. It was THE BEST THING EVER! and I have Riverdance on video, and Lord of the Dance, and Feet of Flames on DVD. Good stuff.
...There are a lot of things that can really be said about Riverdance. And I personally find it absolutely incredible... Really. I do...
A Riverdance night? That's interesting... I'm pretty clueless about Riverdance though... I ought to go look it up...
More than ducttape Brad? Really and truly?
Mayhaps the two should meet... Hmmm...
*Kiaya goes away to ponder Riverdance, a bemused look on her face...*
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