Hello, there isn't much to blog about, well, there is, but I am not going to post about it, because it is stupid. If I get enough interest, than I might blog about it.
Anyway, right now, life is Blah. Everything about it is Blah. Even blah is Blah. Someone got extremely angry at me for being me. Tough luck on them.
School life is OK. Nothing exciting is happenening there. Just the same stuff, always the same. Friends are OK as well...I guess. Havent heard from any lately.
Like I said, nothing to blog about. At least, nothing that matters anyway.
Hello, there isn't much to blog about, well, there is, but I am not going to post about it, because it is stupid. If I get enough interest, than I might blog about it.
Anyway, right now, life is Blah. Everything about it is Blah. Even blah is Blah. Someone got extremely angry at me for being me. Tough luck on them.
School life is OK. Nothing exciting is happenening there. Just the same stuff, always the same. Friends are OK as well...I guess. Havent heard from any lately.
Like I said, nothing to blog about. At least, nothing that matters anyway.
Heeeeeey....*whining Kiaya voice.*
No blog post is stupid, especially if it's from you, because frankly, you need to blog more! Give us more insight! Something! Please! I'm beggin' ya!
Blah is a terrible thing.
Very sorry about leaving chatting suddenly. Computer issues.
And who could get mad at BRAD? You're BRAD for Pete's sake! Yeeeeeeeesh.
And nothing, is ever the same. Try to look at it in a different perspective. Like backsward.
Or upsidedown
(what a funny word, upsidedown.)
.sdrawkcab ti ta kool rO
Come one Brad! Life's never REALLY blah! There's always something new to do, places to think about, people to remember!
(If you can't tell, I've found my Kiaya place again for a little while, and I using it all on you, so be happy!!)
Happy dang-it!
I think I've just created a comment longer than the actual post! *punches fist into the air* COOL!
I'll talk to you later then. :)
The Kiaya, Sunny side up
I hate blah. I hate people getting mad at people for being who they are. Thats stupid.
Okay, I don't HATE, hate people, but I hate the way they can act....
Please be happy. Even though many people have sooo many things to do, it doesn't mean they don't think about you or care.
I wish all days could be like Thursday nights with my bestest friends.
God bless you. really. See you tuesday.
P.S. I haven't fallen off the planet or gotten stuck. I just been reeeally busy and extremely tired. Sorry
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