Happy Thanksgiving...
Just wishing everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!...and in case anyone is wondering, I AM NOT making a "I'm Thankful" list, so stop looking for one because, there will not be one. WHY? because, I have my reasons. Reasons which I will not disclose.
And to answer some questions to some comments from earlier posts...
1) Cake=DEATH X-(
2) Crowds=an uncomfortable Brad
3)Presents=Not wanted.
4)Parties no matter HOW big or small=Not liked by me...I am NOT a party person...as I have stated.
The End
Just wishing everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!...and in case anyone is wondering, I AM NOT making a "I'm Thankful" list, so stop looking for one because, there will not be one. WHY? because, I have my reasons. Reasons which I will not disclose.
And to answer some questions to some comments from earlier posts...
1) Cake=DEATH X-(
2) Crowds=an uncomfortable Brad
3)Presents=Not wanted.
4)Parties no matter HOW big or small=Not liked by me...I am NOT a party person...as I have stated.
The End
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My, my, my. Yeeeeesh. No thank you list? So sad. Oh well.
You just... are party opposed... my goodness Brad.
I think we get it. Or, I do. But I'll still be wishing you a happy birthday, so you'll just have to deal.
Let me try again...
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