Such is the Life...
Well, Today is Monday August 14th, 8:06pm my time. This post will basically inform you as to what I am doing currently in the realms of reading, movie watching, etc, and what my thoughts are on stuff...So, let's get started.
What am I reading: "The Visitation" by Frank Perreti
What am I watching movie wise: "Lord of the Dance" , and "The Princess Bride"
What am I listening to: "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
What am I looking at (other than the moniter): I'm looking through the window into the night.
Well, that is about the gyst of it. That is the list of things that I have read, seen etc, recently.
Since it is the week of the is VBS (Vacation Bible School) at me church and guess what the theme is this year...Australia. And guess who has been to Australia...that's right me. And you know what that means? It means that I gave to look at pictures of places, and see things that I have held, touched, heard, and more. It means that I have to walk through the halls of my church and sigh. Many of the pictures have scenes that I have seen. Ayers Rock (Uluru) for example. That great monilith, I have touched it. I have seen the generations of Aboriginies frozen in that rock. No wonder that use it as a place of worship. Anyway, I miss that Island Continent greatly. But that is a story for another time.
Recently, I have also been thinking and wondering a LOT, lately. About school, friends, and life in general. But that is nothing really new. Well, That is all from me for now. I wish you all an excellent week.
Well, Today is Monday August 14th, 8:06pm my time. This post will basically inform you as to what I am doing currently in the realms of reading, movie watching, etc, and what my thoughts are on stuff...So, let's get started.
What am I reading: "The Visitation" by Frank Perreti
What am I watching movie wise: "Lord of the Dance" , and "The Princess Bride"
What am I listening to: "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
What am I looking at (other than the moniter): I'm looking through the window into the night.
Well, that is about the gyst of it. That is the list of things that I have read, seen etc, recently.
Since it is the week of the is VBS (Vacation Bible School) at me church and guess what the theme is this year...Australia. And guess who has been to Australia...that's right me. And you know what that means? It means that I gave to look at pictures of places, and see things that I have held, touched, heard, and more. It means that I have to walk through the halls of my church and sigh. Many of the pictures have scenes that I have seen. Ayers Rock (Uluru) for example. That great monilith, I have touched it. I have seen the generations of Aboriginies frozen in that rock. No wonder that use it as a place of worship. Anyway, I miss that Island Continent greatly. But that is a story for another time.
Recently, I have also been thinking and wondering a LOT, lately. About school, friends, and life in general. But that is nothing really new. Well, That is all from me for now. I wish you all an excellent week.
The visitation is such a freaking awesome book!!!! I LOVE Frank Peretti!!
Okay, wondering is good, but now you need to UPDATE.
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